Clown Phobia and Fear Treatment and Cure

Clown Phobia
Clown Phobia

One theory is that the face paint, big nose and weird colored hair is so far removed from our conception of what a human face should look like that it unnerves some people.
Another is that we can't "read" the emotions or mood through all the make-up. This scares some because reading facial expressions is one of the ways we relate to people.
Although it appears on the top ten most common phobias on some lists, there is very little information in the medical literature on the subject.

The symptoms of clown phobia are similar to those of other phobias: high anxiety, sweating, rapid breathing and heart beat and intense fear. Clown phobics know that their reactions are irrational but they can't control it. Don't worry, it is possible to effect a clown phobia and fear treatment and cure.
Medications are sometimes used but they don't get rid of the phobia they just mask the symptoms, to get you through an encounter.

Hypnotherapy or hypnosis works for some people but not everyone can be hypnotized and many people don't want to lose control even in a therapeutic situation.
Therapy to uncover the cause of the phobia can help. Once the cause is know, treatment can begin to desensitize the client. You may be asked to look at pictures of clowns and then maybe look at film clips and eventually come face to face with a real clown.
One therapist broke through her client's phobia when she asked her to be made up as a clown and look at herself in a mirror.

I know of one adult male, who can't even enter a McDonald's because he might see a picture of Ronald McDonald. Clown phobia, unlike other phobias, can be kept at bay by just avoiding places where you might encounter them. Of course it won't free you from the phobia but you don't have to hole up in your home to avoid the phobia.
Ignore people who tell you to get a grip on yourself, grow up and get over being afraid of a silly clown. This can do more harm than good.
Adults remember not being able to attend birthday parties where clowns would be part of the entertainment and many of them still have to avoid those parties. They can't have a clown at their children's party or go to grandchild's party if a clown will be present. Imagine someone who works in event planning for a large arena who has to book a circus or even worse, host a clown convention. This phobia like others can have an effect on every area of a person's life.

People can sympathize with someone who is afraid of heights, snakes or spiders for instance, but kind of pooh-pooh the fear of clowns. This attitude together with the phobia that they know is irrational, can cause a clown phobic to sink into depression.
As mentioned earlier there are a few treatments available that appear to work well for those suffering from clown phobia. A phobic needs to do some digging to find the one that works for them.
Rest assured that you can beat this and find the best clown phobia and fear treatment and cure for you.

For more information on cure go to
Nina is an expert freelance writer. She is a cake decorator and a certified naturopath. Presently she is happily RV-ing with her husband.

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