What To Do When Having A Panic Attack, An Effective Solution

What To Do When Having A Panic Attack
What To Do When Having A Panic Attack
First off it's important to note what a panic attack actually is, that way you know what it is that you are going to stop. A panic attack is at its most basic level, your body reacting to an outside source in a way that it does not have too, much like an allergy. All an allergy is, is your body deciding that something harmless, like flower pollen, or dog hair, is actually harmful to you and it activates its own built in systems to get rid of the object. In that respect, a panic attack is your body activating the fight or flight mechanisms in a situation when it does not need too. Fortunately, a panic attack is not dangerous, like a bee sting allergy, or a peanut allergy. That being said panic attacks are very uncomfortable and not a pleasant experience..

One personal note that I would like to state before we go on with what to do when having a panic attack, is that panic attacks are very common and very normal. Almost everyone has them at one point or another in their life, there is nothing wrong with you and you are not alone. When I first started having panic attacks I felt like it was something that only I was having and that it was something wrong with me. I had to do a lot of research, in private, to realize that it's a normal function of how your body works, it's not your fault, and you can take steps to help you through the attacks. That being said lets get started on helping you get through your panic attacks!
Sudden Onset Panic Attack:

Sudden onset panic attack is my own classification for a panic attack that comes out of nowhere without any warning. These are typically the kind of panic attacks that I get, and usually in the middle of the night when I am trying to sleep. But regardless of where they may occur this is the method that works for me the best.

First off, remind yourself that this is your body reacting to nothing, it's like an allergy. The reason you have to make sure this is on your mind, is so that you don't try to find the reason you're having this panic attack. If you start to search for a reason or an external object that may be causing this you will only prolong your attack.

Second, try to observe what you are feeling. I know this sounds unusual so let me explain. When I have a panic attack what I do is keep track of what I am feeling physically, I will literally list in my head or out loud, "my pulse is racing, I feel like I am being watched, My chest is tightening", now, it is very important to note that you should not react to this, you have to take on the mindset of a person who is observing, like a reporter, you are to report, not interfere. The reason behind this is simple, trying to stop a panic attack will only prolong it, concentrating on making it stop will only cause you more stress about it not stopping fast enough. If you let it happen, and I know that doesn't sound pleasant, but if you let it happen and monitor what you are feeling it will end itself. By observing it, you give your mind something to do, so you stop trying to end your panic attack, and you let it end on its own. Another additional part that might help is to monitor the changes in what you feel, and say to yourself, "the feeling is the same" or "the feeling is changing" every ten seconds or so. Doing this has helped me to take the major edge off of my panic attacks and shorten them from as long as hour, to as short as only a minute.

The third step, once you start to feel the major part of the panic attack subside is to remember to breathe. Now, I don't mean hyperventilate I mean breathe. Take a deep breathe in and count how long it takes you to inhale. Most people can do it between 5 and 8 seconds, however if you can do more great! Then exhale slowly, try to see if you can let your exhale last twice as long as you're inhale. So if you can inhale for 5 seconds see if you can make your exhale 10 seconds. If you can't that is perfectly ok, don't stress yourself out about this just look at it as an experiment to see if you can do it. If you start to feel light headed or dizzy, take a few regular breathes.

Once you start to feel yourself calming down, and your breathing seems natural and you feel the panic attack is subsiding, grab a piece of paper and a pen, not a computer, and write down your thoughts on paper. It doesn't matter what you write down, just start to write by hand. The reason for this is that typing uses less muscles and parts of your brain then writing, so if you sit down and write by hand, you will occupy more of your body and mind and allow it to relax. It doesn't matter what you write, you can write about your day, what you want to do tomorrow, what you had for dinner, you can even write a paper about how crazy this idea sounds, it doesn't matter. If, and only if you have something specific that you think is on your mind that caused the panic attack you can write about that specific thing but only if you can do so calmly.

Finally, and this may be the hardest part of this, find someone to talk too. You don't have to talk about the panic attack or what caused it unless you feel comfortable doing so, but find another human being to talk to, it can be in person, on the phone, over Skype it doesn't matter. It is however better if it's in a method where you can hear the person so try to avoid Instant messaging and texting.
So in summary, for a sudden onset panic attack the steps are as follows:

Step 1: Remind yourself that this is your body reacting to nothing, and that you are safe.
Step 2: Try to observe what you are feeling, don't try to stop it, let it burn itself out naturally.
Step 3: Take slow deep breaths to relax yourself, breathe normally if you feel dizzy or lightheaded.
Step 4: Sit down and write with a pen and paper your thoughts on whatever topic comes to mind.
Step 5: Talk to another human being for a while, just so you can get other parts of your mind working.

Stopping a panic attack before it starts:
Although it's important to know how to stop a panic attack once it occurs its always better to stop it before it starts wouldn't you agree? The key to stopping a panic attack that is just starting to come on is to distract your mind and your body so it doesn't activate the fight or flight reflex. Unlike dealing with a sudden onset panic attack there are no steps to how to stop this but here are a few suggestions.
Go for a walk. Walking is great exercise, and it will give your body something useful to do with the adrenaline that it's pumping into your system. You don't have to walk fast, a slow peaceful walk will do just fine. If you don't like walking do any kind of physical activity that you enjoy, ride your bike, play basketball, go shopping, play your favorite Wii sports game, or even clean. It doesn't matter, just make sure you mentally focus on the activity, not the panic attack. if you focus on the panic attack it will stick around if you focus on the activity it will burn itself out and you'll get your exercise in for the day.

Journal your thoughts. Like before grab a piece of paper and a pen and start writing down what you're thinking about. It doesn't have to be related to the panic attack, in fact if writing it down starts to make you feel it more start to write about something else. there is no wrong thing to write about in this situation. Just write, the activity of writing will occupy your mind and body enough for the panic attack to subside before it starts.

Distract yourself. I know it sounds kinda sarcastic but it will actually work. Just give yourself something else to focus on and let your body burn out the feelings of the panic attack. Generally it's best if you give yourself something to do that is physical, or interactive. Like talking to a friend, cleaning, or playing a video game. Reading a book may work for you as well. The key is to remember to not focus on the panic attack, and if what you're doing doesn't work don't get upset or stressed, just say to yourself "This was a good idea but I think I will do something else now" and thats it. Half of beating a panic attack is keeping control of your own thoughts so they don't' run away from you.

The last thing I am going to suggest is meditation. This actually would work better if you practice this for five minutes a day when you are not having a panic attack. That way when you think you may have one this will be a calming practice your body is familiar with, and can help you to switch your body from fight or flight mode into something more relaxed and centered. The easiest way to meditate for a beginner is just to sit down in a comfortable spot, for most people that's a comfortable chair, you can sit on the floor cross legged if you can do so comfortably but most people, myself included, cannot and it's not required. Once you are in a comfortable position, take a deep breath, and close your eyes. Then simply observe your breathing. By observe I mean watch, listen, and be aware of how your body feels. Don't try to slow your breathing down, don't try to control your breathing. Just pay attention to it. Notice how your body moves when you breathe, does your chest rise and fall, or does your stomach rise and fall? What does your breathing sound like? do you breathe through your nose or mouth? Can you feel the air moving through your throat or not? All you do is pay attention to the actions of your breathing, and nothing else. If your mind starts to wander you can let it wander, thats ok, I have found letting my mind wander during meditation is a great way to clear up excess mental clutter. Once your done letting it wander just focus on your breathing again and you will go right back to your meditation.

It's important to note that meditation is a skill, like riding a bike, or playing basketball. The more you practice the better you become, and you shouldn't expect to sit down and become one with the universe in your first attempt. But no matter what happens, just try to meditate for 5 minutes a day and then when you feel a panic attack about to happen just focusing on your breathing may be all you need to stop it from happening.

More important than dealing with a panic attack when it is occurring is to take steps to prevent them completely. Although not all panic attacks stem from a person's lifestyle certain lifestyle choices can help to prevent panic attacks in general.

For starters, try to limit or cut out caffeine tobacco and alcohol from your lifestyle. Many people think that tobacco and alcohol will help relax you, but in reality both substances will mess with your internal body chemistry and make you more susceptible to a panic attack. Caffeine, which is a stimulant, makes you more energized as well as more tense, and tension can lead to a panic attack. So your first steps should be to limit or eliminate all caffeine tobacco and alcohol from your lifestyle. I know it may be hard but if it stops your panic attacks it will be worth it don't you think?
The next suggestion is to write your thoughts down on paper once a day. A lot of panic attacks can be caused by things that are on our minds but that we don't know how to deal with or how to express. Journaling for just a few minutes a day about whatever thoughts come to mind can help you to express your emotions and prevent them from manifesting into a panic attack. The same works for any dreams you may have, just write down what occurred in the dream and it can help you clear your mind. Another helpful tip is that if you have a situation in your life that is bothering you, write it down, and ask yourself the following questions as you are writing it down: What did I do right? What could I have done more of? What should I have done less of? What should I have added? What should I have eliminated? Then let it go, remember the past exists only so we can learn from it. Learn and then relax it's over, you deserve better then to carry a painful situation with you.

The last suggestion that I have for prevention is a simple one, get enough rest. In general your average adult needs 8 hours of sleep a night, but only gets 5. That lack of sleep causes tension, exhaustion and a whole host of chemical imbalances in your body. Sleeping is what your body uses to repair itself, mentally, physically and emotionally. So do whatever you have to do to get 8 hours of sleep a night, it may not be easy the first week or so and you may wake up before you get 8 hours, but stick with it, your body will thank you. And don't forget to try to meditate for just 5 minutes a day. Those 5 minutes will make a big difference in your life trust me.

I hope you have found the advice I have given on what to do when having a panic attack, and how to prevent them useful. You can learn more about what to do when having a panic attack by checking out The Panic Puzzle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Borden

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